DK 出版的数学的奥秘英文原版what's the point of math,是一本数学科普读物 您可能没有意识到,但数学几乎控制着我们世界中的一切。 从破解密码到赢得游戏节目,从预测彗星到解决犯罪,这本独特的书揭示了我们最重要的数学思想的来源(你会感到惊讶!)。它可能会永远改变你对数学的看法!
you must have such great strength and courage to go through that with your mom. I am very sorry for your loss. GeminiMama posted that the size of her baby’s head was cause for alarm for this condition. If you don’t mind me asking, what symptoms did your mom have that caused conce...