Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin won a record eight consecutive Grammys for best R&B vocal performance from 1967-1974. The “Queen of Soul” was the first woman inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and sang at historic events in U.S. history like the memorial for Martin Luther King...
Department of Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité-University Medicine Berlin, 13125 Berlin, Germany 8 Department of Immunology, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia ...
were included in the study. The participants were third-year nursing students at a private university located in southeastern South Korea. An open-ended question was asked: “To improve students’ EBP competencies during theory classes, on-campus practicums, or clinical practicums, what do you ...