Schrödinger’s Cat is a thought experiment that states if you put a cat in a box with something lethal, the cat is both dead and alive until you open the box.
however, about when the resolution of possibilities actually occurs. His thought experiment was intended to make people ask themselves if it was logical for observation to be the trigger. Wouldn't the cat be either
"Schrödinger's Cat" was originally meant to mock quantum theory. However, quantum scientists have long seen the thought experiment as a challenge. Now researchers have built the experiment on the quantum level using qubits.Quantum mechanics often has difficulty breaking through to the general publi...
the atom, and so also the cat, are in a superposition of being decayed/dead and not decayed/alive. The absurdity of speaking of a simultaneously living and dead moggie was supposed to show that the Copenhagen interpretation must be lacking something. ...
Elias Groll
Rest assured, no actual cats were harmed in the Schrodinger's Cat experiment. It's all theoretical. The idea would be that IF someone set up the experiment in real life, there would be no way of knowing whether or not the "cat" died until the box was opened an hour later. Since ...
As visitors to Google's home page have learned, Monday marks the 126th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian-Irish scientist Erwin Schrodinger.O'Carroll, Eoin