There’s this wonderful moment in the British hipster-psychopath comedy The Mighty Boosh where the two protagonists Howard, an overweight, balding Jazz nerd, and Vince, a stringy vapid self-styled rave Jesus, are practicing for an upcoming gig at a local music club called The Velvet Onion. Ho...
Writers encounter dialogue every day, but too often recently I've seen great stories ruined by choppy, incoherent, and straight-up weird dialogue. How can you use dialogue tags effectively in your stories to produce clear dialogue that zings?
You're coming to Peacock, Harry. In fact, the entireHarry Potterfranchise will be available to watch on the streaming platform beginning next month. And the eight magical movies are just some of many old favorites—and exciting new releases—heading to Peacock. For those looking for something...
What if there was something you could do right now to cut your cancer risk in half? Several of the most common (and aggressive) cancers have to do with your gastrointestinal system. The top 10 cancer causing foods are: Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) Microwave Popcorn Canned Goods Grilled ...
This tattoo was obviously inspired by Jesus Christ. They call him the savior of mankind, maybe you've heard of him? Sadly though, this was so poorly executed that it looks more like a hipster who practices hair yoga and is aspiring to become an “infl...