Vernadakis, George (2000), "What the `Bug' Can Teach Gates: Brand Personality Goes a Long Way," Advertising Age, 71 (27), 48.Vernadakis, G. (2000). What the `bug' can teach Gates: Brand personality goes a long way. Advertising Age, 71(27), 48....
9.whensomeonesayssomethingbadtoyouinfrontofyou,you justsmile. 10.driveyourowncar,anddon'tstoptosayhellotoa colleagueridingabike.Peoplewillthinkyou'reshowingoff. When11.colleaguesareill,visithim.Naturallysittingin hisbed,home,andthenwashyourhandscarefully. ...
Positive test cases:Check for valid input to validate the expected functioning of the software application. Their main purpose is to ensure the software application is bug-free and meets SRS under positive test scenarios. Let us consider a test scenario to create a password field that accepts 10...