老样子,老样子。 二、What's eating you? 可不是说“什么把你给吃了”, 真正的意思是:什么事把你惹了?谁惹你了? 【例句】 What's eating you, tom? You look upset? 谁惹你了?你好象情绪不好。 三、What's your beef? 不要理解成“你的牛肉怎么样”, 实际表示:你为什么不高兴? 【例句】 What'...
我总是干又笨又累的活儿! 2、Work one's fingers to the bone 从字面意思看这句话的意思是“从指头到骨头都在工作”,说明工作很卖力,所以其引申意思就是“努力工作,干货卖力”。 例句:He has to work his fingers to the bone for his family. 他必须努力工作养活自己的家庭。 3、Freelance work “free...
比如问对方“你怎么了”就忍不住想说“what's wrong with you”,他们总觉得:如果不加“with you”对方怎么知道我是在问他呢? 可是如果你加了“with you”,并且你没有很好地控制自己的语气的话,就很容易让这句话的意思截然不同。 本来你想关心对方“你怎么了”,结果可能会不小心变成了“你这个人是怎么回事...
当然,“What’s wrong”也是可以加“With”的,当你想问“某某出了什么问题”时,把名词加在“With”后面即可。比如看到狗狗病恹恹的,就可以问:What's wrong with your dog?翻译:你的狗怎么了?又或者看到前面的汽车不跑了,就可以问前面的司机:What's wrong with your car?翻译:你的汽车怎么了?怎么样...
有时候老外在被问到“What's up”时,别人也会说一句“What‘s up” 此时,What's up 多指:熟人之间打招呼,也可以理解为“Hello”。 其他的问候语 1. How are you doing?/How is it going? 常见的口语表达方式,在熟人和陌生人之间都可以使用
教学重点是句型What's that?及其回答。教师可以先通过this的用法引入that,先呈现That is ...和Is that …?然后再过渡到What's that?教师可以在本单元和学生一起重温有关颜色的词汇和表达喜好的句型I like…鼓励学生综合运用已学过的知识,更好地描述动物。 2.本单元的目标词汇是pig,lamb,duck和cow,教师可以...
书包里有什么?What's in a Schoolbag?Now let's explore the contents of a 书包 (shū bāo) in Chinese:01. Notebook 笔记本bǐ jì běnnotebook (stationery)(lit. "pen-to record-book")02. Book 书shūbook 03. Textbook 课本kè běntextbook(lit. "class-book")NOTE The measure word for books...
Scarcity also describes the relative availability of factors or production or economic inputs.1Suppose producing a widget requires two labor inputs: workers and managers, with one manager required per 20 workers. The available labor pool consists of 20,000 workers and 5,000 managers. There are ...
Building and maintaining a corporate culture can happen organically. In such cases, various external and internal factors influence and determine the organization's culture. For example, the prevailing values of the people in the geographic location where the company is based can filter into the orga...