You stand 5 meters away from two machines. One machine operates at a sound intensity level that is 50 dB at your location. The other machine operates at a sound intensity level of 70 dB at your location. What sound intensity level do you...
The same is true when you sequence MIDI in your DAW and send the information to hardware gear like an analog synth or drum machine. The biggest benefit of MIDI is that you can easily edit performances note by note, change their articulation, or even alter or replace the sound that plays ...
The main function of the vector in Euclidean geometry is to show spatially through a line or segment the information of the associated variable. Answer and Explanation: Given a length 'L' for the magnitude of the distanc...
Financial security is high on your list of priorities Sigh To exhale audibly in a long deep breath, as in weariness or relief. High (of a sound or note) having a frequency at the upper end of the auditory range A high, squeaky voice Sigh To emit a similar sound Willows sighing in th...
Session View can now be viewed within a single window. There are also new zoom functions, so you can have one window zoomed in more than another, which is helpful if you work with two screens and want to, say, adjust audio in detail but make big changes to the project at the same ...
and how much for other causes. That is the reason why, after expending billions on the question of climate sensitivity to CO2, we have not been able to reduce the range of possible values, 1.5°C to 4.5° C[3], a factor of 3, in the 39 years that have passed since the Charney Re...
At time, t = 0 sec, a free-falling rock is noted to have a speed of 30 m/s. What is its velocity at time, t = 5 sec? Kinematic Equations: Kinematics is a branch of physics that studies the motion of objects and bodies without the st...
Answer to: The minute hand on a watch is in length. What is the displacement vector of the tip of the minute hand from 8:00AM to 8:20 AM? By...