The symptoms of pneumonia in adults are ambiguous and depend on the exact microorganism — bacterum, virus, fungi or mycoplasma— that is causing the disease. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults can mimic those of the influenza virus or even the common cold. Some of the most common symptoms of ...
Bronchitis and pneumonia two respiratory illnesses that have some similarities. Learn about the differences between bronchitis and pneumonia at Walgreens.
How does pneumonia cause pneumothorax? What is a small pneumothorax? What is a traumatic pneumothorax? What are the symptoms of a fractured rib? What are the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension? What are the symptoms of a cracked sternum? What are the signs and symptoms of pleural effusion? Wha...
Overview Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Prevention What is pneumonitis?Pneumonitis is inflammation of your lungs. The inflammation can make it hard to breathe and prevent you from getting enough oxygen. Anything that irritates your lung tissues can lead to pneumonitis. The longer you are exposed,...
What Is Walking Pneumonia? Also known as atypical pneumonia, "walking pneumonia" is a mild form ofpneumonia,which is a lung infection. It is common in children aged 5-15 years old and adults younger than 40. As the symptoms are similar to other respiratory infections, you could have walking...
Wait until your symptoms are gone or your healthcare provider says it is okay to return. Ask about vaccines you may need. A pneumonia vaccine can help lower your risk for pneumonia. The vaccine may be recommended every 5 years, starting at age 65. Other vaccines help lower the risk for ...
They are not the same illness. Although they share similar causes and symptoms, there are important differences between bronchitis and pneumonia. The main difference is where the infection is located. “Bronchitis is an infection of the lung air passages, and pneumonia is an infectio...
Viral pneumonia is the most common form, although ironically it doesn't always produce the worst symptoms. Many people contract this illness shortly after another upper respiratory disease has already formed. Viruses expelled from the lungs through coughing may be re-aspirated into the air sacs and...
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that causes coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, and a variety of other symptoms. While many people can recover successfully from pneumonia, for the immunocompromised, elderly, and infants, the disease can be life threatening. When a person contracts...
Other causes. It could be that a virus or bacteria has infected your lungs. This is different from an allergic reaction. Your doctor will usually call thatpneumonia. Imaging tests, like X-rays and CT scans Aspirometrytest to show how much and how fast you breathe in and out ...