But what did he mean by rejoicing in the Lord? And why is this something that we should do? 'Rejoice in the Lord' in the Bible The word Paul uses for rejoice is the Greek word chairō. This word means to rejoice, be glad, or be delighted. It describes our reaction to something ...
Read What Is Jesus' Sermon on the Mount? - Bible Verses and Significance by A.W. Pink and more articles about Bible and Wiki on Christianity.com
Aramaic is a descendant of Hebrew that was widely spoken in the Middle East in the centuries leading up to the birth of Jesus. In fact, Aramaic was Jesus’s native language — the one he used to deliver his teachings to his disciples. It is still spoken by a few scattered communities i...
Humility in the Bible is mentioned inProverbs 22:4(NIV). This Bible verse tells us the definition of humility distinctly and definitively: Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life. Fear of the Lord isn’t referring to being scared of the Lord, but rathe...
Surrender your heart and mouth to the power of the Holy Spirit. Memorize and use this verse as a devout prayer throughout the day, “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips” Ps 141:3. Then follow the leadings of God. He will lead you to bless and...
The knee is the largest joint in the body. Blessing and being blessed are a large part of Christian living. God's first words to Adam and Eve were a blessing to be fruitful and multiply. The Hebrew word pictograph for blessing (barak (בָּרַךְ) shows us more specifica...
My favorite part of the holiday season is blaming my long-term weight gain on the holiday season. Merry Christmas! When you stop believing in Santa Claus is when you start to get clothes for Christmas. Happy holidays! I put so much thought into your gift that it’s now too late to get...
The pastor’s wife is likely a very special and gifted woman, and is uniquely positioned to have a very effective ministry in the church, if she is given the freedom to do it in the way she has been gifted and equipped.
Praying the Armor of God: Trusting God to Protect You and the People You Love The Bible is clear: This world is a spiritual battle zone, which every day puts us and those we love in harm's way from enemy attacks. Satan is relentless, and human defenses are no match for his dark dev...
In other words, when you get right with God and are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will simply shine through you. God is the light that shines within and through His church as the light of the world. The same word the Bible uses for light in Matthew 5 to describe Christ’s Chu...