When it comes to your favorite face moisturizer, it is always an essential part of your skincare routine. You want to keep your skin hydrated to avoid aggravating breakouts.²⁰ Keep your diet healthy. You’re probably already eating lots of super-nutritious food during pregnancy, and your...
We all want to do our best to take care of our skin, which is why it’s so important to make sure that we know what kind of ingredients are in our skincare and
Sounds unattractive, but‘sticky eyes’ can make a woman melt. When you look away from her, turn your head away first, but let your gaze linger a moment longer. The impression this gives is that you find her so desirable it’s hard to tear your eyes away from her—but you respect he...
It may sound weird, but if you apply Ghee to yourdry skinand hair, it helps you in moisturizing. Ghee is not just used for cooking. But in India, women use it as a typical moisturizer to get relief from dry skin. Also, they apply Ghee to thescalp as it helps fight dryness and en...
Now I may be out of date, but back when I was in the service, we used the term face fungus to describe a person's particularly ugly or bad mustache. I never knew that there were actual fungi that you could get on your face. ...