Pineda recently started wondering if he should try again one of these days. Taylor took a teaching job but is still pursuing his whale barnacle research on the side. Zardus has a custom tank for raising young barnacles all set up: it’s called a larvulator. He’s sure he could use it...
The scale is also typically different. Older cairns may be made of stones too large for a single person to easily move, or they may consist of thousands of individual rocks. For example, at a Mohican stone memorial pile at Monument Mountain, in western Massachusetts, it was customary for vi...
Stack them, slam them, flip them: The game of pogs required stacking cardboard discs, or pogs, which were then slammed with metal bottle caps. Those that flip over were won by the successful attacker. Also known as the milk-cap game, pogs are modeled after Hawaiian milk bottle caps. The...
Where is Brucie? I’m getting bored. Superstore Manager: “Special skills ?” Brucie: “pretend Rabbi.” Superstore Manager: “Real special skills?” Brucie: “(Sigh). Shelf stacking.” Come on Brucie. I know you’re lurking. What’s that word that describes when we segregate the pool ...
We searched some of the deeper pools for snailfish, and it was intimidating to hear waves crashing on the rocks only a few feet behind us – when the tide rises here, it does fairly quickly, so paying attention is very important. Beginning tidepoolers – I’m not kidding here. There ...
We had access to some great little TV dinner tables that were the perfect size for stacking cups. The little red and white checkered print went perfectly with our cute vintage theme. The cups were semi study plastic cups. Then you will also see here, is a bowling set that we found in ...
This is one of the may reasons why HDR and other stitching and stacking hobbies are so bad. You need to spend you time looking for the best position from which to make a shot. Never spend 20 minutes making multiple exposures unless you spent at least twice that much time looking for the...
Divide the kids into two teams, give each player a number, spread them out in a large circle and place a handkerchief in the middle. When a number is called, players with that number rush to the middle, trying to grab the handkerchief first so they earn a point for their team. It’...
sr clef helps you keep rocks vs starmie spin reliant teams. gliscor.. man look at that dpp sprite. what an awkward looking guy.. really great vs a lot of fatter sand teams though, especially with zone trapping some pesky steels. flygon + magnezone is more offense than youd think, ...
jakash, this link sort of explains what I was referring to by mentioning the Waveland Rocks. I am sure the entire area is unrecognizable to my 1969 eye today, but maybe someday I’ll go poking around this area again just for the hell of it: ...