If your business is structured as a single-member LLC and you don’t have any employees, then you’re not required to get an Employer Identification Number. However, single-member LLCs with employees are required to have an EIN for tax reporting purposes. They also need the employer identifi...
The SouthCoast is home to some of the most beautiful areas in New England, but unfortunately, there are a few landmarks that are simply ugly. From rundown buildings to atrocious roads, the SouthCoast has spoken, and these are some of the biggest eyesores in the area. Gallery Credit: mad...
That last sentence is the one to pay attention to – that’s us here in Indiana. That map below indicates that we can expect a “muggy and stormy” summer. That may not be the case for those of us in Southern Indiana, though. The border between Indiana and Kentucky starts to transitio...
The Cardiovascular (CV) Toolkit project entails multi-site implementation of a patient- and provider-facing toolkit designed to reduce CV risk by increasing women’s engagement in appropriate services. Our current objective is to describe a protocol for identifying strategies used in real time as ...
: Sleigh | fas fa-sleigh | christmas, claus, fly, holiday, santa, sled, snow, xmas, | \f7cc : Horizontal Sliders | fas fa-sliders-h | adjust, settings, sliders, toggle, | \f1de : Slideshare | fab fa-slideshare | | \f1e7 : Smiling Face | fas fa-smile | approve, emoticon, fa...
(FIRST) Environmental Management System Organizational Information Security, Technical Security, and Physical Security Sustainability Reporting PLDT-Smart adheres to its set of recommended policies that integrate Children's Rights and Welfare into its business Smart is a member of the UN OCHA Community ...
A soak in the Langford Hot Springs is the perfect way to end a day of hiking inside Texas' Big Bend National Park, exploring popular spots like Santa Elena Canyon, once called the Grand Canyon of Texas. J.O. Langford built a limestone bathhouse in the early 1900s after hearing of the ...
No vehicle is more closely associated with 1960s counterculture as theVW microbus, a frequent sightat the Woodstock music festival in 1969. The easily adaptable vehicle has appeared in many films, among them Oscar winners “Little Miss Sunshine” and “Argo.” It was also the vehicle o...
The hotel is in a great location. The architecture is interesting, the rooms are spacious. Everything is dated, and some things are broken. The carpet everywhere smells like old carpet from the 1980s… And it probably is from the 1980s. The staff seem either con...