Despite these safeguards, smurfing is still an annoying issue in gaming. Smurfs can ruin the experience for new players and add an unfair advantage to their team. The best thing to do against a smurf is to report them and hope the account will be flagged for unfair behavior....
As someone who appreciates the nuts and bolts of gaming, I couldn’t help but delve into the role of randomness in thesecritical moments. It turns out thisunpredictabilityis driven by something known as RNG –Random Number Generators– crucial tools in shaping these nail-biting experiences. So ...
Gaming Games Vangie Beal Technology Expert Vangie Beal is a digital literacy instructor based in Nova Scotia, Canada, who has recently joined Techopedia. She’s an award-winning business and technology writer with 20 years of experience in the technology and web publishing industry. Since the late...
In a scrim, pro teams will often test out strategies and different ideas before taking them into an official match when everything is on the line. This is also where teams come together and gel to learn what fits and what doesn’t. Sometimes, teams on social media will refer to a “TS...
Damage sponges, on the other hand, feel tiring. They aren't difficult, threatening, or interesting and all you're doing is hit after hit. Higher-level enemies in RPGs can become damage sponges if there's poor level scaling. Enemy types in shooters that just don't go down, can take a...
Clear and Unclear Gameplay Loops in Gaming Most modern games have a lot more going on than Tetris, but they still need a core gameplay loop that keeps you hooked. Let's look at two genres with simple and not so simple gameplay loops; shooters and role-playing games (RPGs), respectively...
NPC is a gaming term that means non-playable character, but it has taken on a new meaning in real life recently. Here's why someone called you an NPC.
So what is an indie game? These are projects that are created by independent developers. Independence means that they do not work for large studios like EA or Ubisoft, but only for themselves. These are kind of individual entrepreneurs in the gamin...
But in others such as RPGs (Fable Legends) it's great. Reply10 -50° The Illusion of Ownership: Why Buying Digital Games is Not Enough themirrorcle|5d ago |Opinion piece|0| ▼ In a landscape where digital purchases are treated as mere licenses rather than true ownership, the line ...
MMORPGs depend on emergent game play based on the interactions of players and groups of players. Most MMORPGs still provide tasks and battles that get progressively harder, but the primary purpose of these is to help gamers build up their characters in terms of experience, abilities and wealth....