What is being done? What might be done? If there are solutions, when will they kick in? This is the second-part of a series looking at the projected problem. As a feature in June's ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR demonstrated, this industry faces an electrician shortage in 2006-08. IBEW, NECA ...
Our future is at stake, and it’s a future in which you have an active role to play: after reading this book, you’ll be one of those who develop those AI systems. So let’s tackle these questions: what has deep learning achieved so far? How significant is it? Where are we ...
In 1990, the Oregon-Columbia chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and Local 48 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) established a labor-management DFWE. Working together, they developed a policy statement, arranged for supervisor training, disseminat...
(as the law in the US requires), and also, Differences in quality / rarity justify stronger prices, and as in the water case of large, the Chinese />esh- round pearls, be prices increase, consumer con- able to explain what they ftihdeefnecaesiablsiloityinocfrpeuatsteinsginmotneermy ...
We argue that SS is coming of age, but more integrative and concerted efforts are still needed to further consolidate its identity by developing a coherent and rigorous scientific core. Keywords: sustainability science; sustainable development; definition; core questions; thematic framework; ...
RReellaattiioonnsshhiippssbbeetwtweeeenntototatlalcacrabrobhoyhdyrdartaetaebaubnudnadnacnecaendanadmainmoinaocidacaibduanbduanndceanvcse. Cv,sN. ,CC,:NN,, CC::PN,, aCn:dP,, aNn:Pd, rNat:iPosraintiocsatienrpcialtlearrps ilwlaerrse wpeerrefoprmerefdorm(Feigdu(rFeig3u).reC3w). asCcw...
3. New Technological Approaches Available for the Behavioral Assessment of V33u..el1aNs.rtSieSbuwyubnjlTeadcertrciSovhmyennQoedluiornaognmiAtciatenaliitmAnivapeAlpAsnrniomaalycahslsiess Available for the Behavioral Assessment of Vestib- r3o.1d.eSnTuthbemjecaotsdisveeelssQsmiusaenentstisteoantfitvti...
is necaensdsamreya.nAs tthtaht eretciomureseoftowcrryitsitnalglo, gsriaxpohfictshteudeyigishnt ekcnesoswarny.iAsot mtheertismoefo[fCwprCitionCg,2sBi9xHof11th]eheaigvhetbeen charakcnteorwisneidsocmryesrtsaollfo[gCrpaCpohCic2Ba9lHly11[]9h–a1v4e].been characterised crystallographically [9–...
Forest composition is associated with fire regime attributes (i.e., fire frequency, burn severity) that vary from frequent, low-severity fire to infrequent, high-severity fire [1,3]. Due to inherent differences in fire tolerance, fire refugia are more likely to contain particular species, such...