1.CPU:是传统意义上的中央处理器,是一台计算机的运算核心和控制核心。2.GPU:中文翻译是 quot图形处理器 quot。是显卡内部的核心芯片,可以直接理解为显卡。现在AMD和intel的很多处理器都有集成图形芯片,所以这些处理器可以看作是CPU和GPU的结合体。3.APU:It 称为加速处理器,这是AMD # 039的融...
My first thought was just to modify Doldrums or Darter to the version that I needed by looking at the diff of Dart sources code. But it turns out that it is not easy: enums are sometimes inserted in the middle (meaning that I need to shift all constants by a number). And dart also...