Alternately, a multiplexer’s single output may be connected to a demultiplexer’s single input over a single channel. Either method is often used as a cost-saving measure. Since most communication systems transmit in both directions, the single combined device, or two separate devices (as in t...
FEMFront End Multiplexer FEMFront End Manager(various companies) FEMFédération Européenne des Métallurgistes(European Metalworkers' Federation) FEMFakulta Ekonomiky a Manažmentu FEMForschungsgemeinschaft Elektronische Medien eV FEMForeign Exchange Market ...
At the heart of any FPGA – the defining aspect of “FPGA-dom,” as it were – is its programmable fabric, which is presented as an array of programmable logic blocks (Figure 1a). Each of these logic blocks contains a collection of elements – including a look-up table (LUT), a mul...
What Is DSL? Discussion Comments Bygoldenmist— On Apr 28, 2011 To clarify on @roser's point, this doesn't mean street distance; it actually comes down to the length of cable. You can call your ISP to find out. What we're basically talking about is called attenuation, which is signal...