The former include lichenoid drug eruption (which is often photoinduced), lichen nitidus, lichenoid keratosis, lichenoid capillaritis (lichen aureus), lichenoid mycosis fungoides, pityriasis lichenoides, and keratosis lichenoides chronica. The latter include lichenoid lupus erythematosus and lichen striatus....
In oral lichenoid disease, an increased expression of NF-kB was revealed in the basal mucosal epithelial layer compared to control samples, supporting once more the evidence of the involvement of the innate inflammatory reactivity in this pathology [163]. In a recent work, the O-GlcNAcylation-...
Keratosis lichenoides chronica (KLC), also known as Nekam's disease, is a rare dermatological disorder of keratinization characterized by development of violaceous, hyperkeratotic papules and nodules typically arranged in a linear or reticulate pattern, mostly localized on the extremities and buttocks...