Amish speak a dialect called Pennsylvania Dutch or Pennsylvania German. It is a German dialect which in its everyday usage often incorporates English words. The dialect is generally not written. It’s spoken in everyday conversation as the primary language of the home, business, and social inter...
Itachi: No, this is a ninja's duty, if I hadn't done whatI did corruption would 鼬:不,这是忍者的职责,如果我没有那么做,叛乱 (insurrection,corruption腐败,真心觉得这个单词有问题)就会导致木叶崩溃, 宇智波一族会掌权... 分享57赞 火影忍者吧 ada_0 【火影忍者567话】情报翻译:未能遵守的约定...
Amish speak a dialect called Pennsylvania Dutch or Pennsylvania German. It is a German dialect which in its everyday usage often incorporates English words. The dialect is generally not written. It’s spoken in everyday conversation as the primary language of the home, business, and social inter...