The author speculates that cumulative GDP growth during 1997/2001 was no more one-third of official claims, and possibly much smaller.doi:10.1016/S1043-951X(01)00062-1Thomas G RawskiChina Economic Review
What is happening to China’s GDP statistics?Thomas G. RAWSKI*Department ofEconomics, University ofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USAAbstractThis paper argues that official Chinese statistics contain major exaggerations ofreal output growthbeginning in 1998. The standard data contain numerous inconsiste...
What is happening to China’s GDP statistics? Thomas G. RAWSKI* Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA Abstract This paper argues that official Chinese statistics contain major exaggerations of real output growth beginning in 1998. The standard data contain numer...
a Chinese colleague said, “Nobody believes recent GDP statistics.” According to the New York Times, “many economists say the country’s real economic growth rate is, at most, half of that
What is happening to Brussels’ inner-city neighbourhoods?: Selective migration from areas undergoing gentrification The analysis is rooted in particular in a study of migratory statistics, that is to say, who is leaving the Brussels neighbourhoods that are becoming gentrified and where are they go...
You might find a lot of studies on the internet regarding video piracy, but the truth is it’s still difficult to predict the real extent of piracy around the globe. And the sole reason for the same is we haven’t been able to stick with a consistent method to track this problem....