Since an update in 2019, Telegram has allowed users to delete messages sent by other users, across all devices. It’s a somewhat divisive feature. Having your messages deleted by someone else doesn’t feel very good. But if your conversation is between you and a person you trust, it’s ...
In the spring of 2020, Google let the world know that its Core Web Vitals would become the new benchmark for measuring a site's performance in its search results, known as thepage experience update. Fast forward to more than a year later in August 2021 when, after much anticipation, Goog...
"We're superexcited about the desserts," Sameer Samat, said Google's vice president of product management for Android and Play. "At the same time, Q is a hard letter. But we're looking at it." Naming Google's mobile OS after desserts may not seem like a big deal, but it plays in...
You can now directly access data using your semantic model's name via OneLake using the read_table function and the new mode parameter set to onelake. November 2023 Integrate your SAP data into Microsoft Fabric Using the built-in connectivity of Microsoft Fabric is the easiest and least-...
Even AI experts don’t know precisely how they do this as the algorithms are self-developed and tuned as the system is trained. Businesses large and small should be excited about generative AI’s potential to bring the benefits of technology automation to knowledge work, which until now has ...
In addition to sectoral privacy laws, the U.S. is experiencing a massive drive toward pushing privacy legislation at the state level. That’s because the federal government hasn’t been able to find a consensus on how to legislate broadly. Rather than wait, state lawmakers have been nudged ...
Let’s move on with mobile game industry trends. Leading mobile app stores — Apple App Store and Google Play Store — were forced to allow developers to sell cross-platform apps. This is quite a significant event because it will enable developers to monetize apps outside the official stores...
Opera’s Android browser becomes the most downloaded mobile browser in Poland December 5, 2023 Opera announces that Opera for Android has solidified its status as the most downloaded browser in the Google Play Store in Poland. Categories: mobile News Opera for Android Tags: news Opera Opera ...
your account settings and reset the authenticator — that is, link it to the app on the new phone. The item you need is usually somewhere on the Security tab. For example, this option works with Google accounts if you’re logged in to even one of the company’s apps, such as You...
However, support for RCS is still spotty in places around the world. A much sought-after feature in the modern age of snooping and digital privacy. Fortunately, Google now supports this feature through its Messages app for Android. Apple has adopted RCS with the iOS 18.1 update as of Novembe...