Lecture 5 – What is Revelation? (cont.); The Doctrine of ScriptureWord, HisWilliams, MichaelSeminary, Covenant Theological
Christianity is being concerned about [others], not building a million-dollar church while people are starving right around the corner. Christ was a revolutionary person, out there where it was happening. That's what God is all about, and that's where I get my strength. —Fannie Lou Hamer...
Jesus told us to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. He told us that the gates of hell will not prevail against the work that God has purposed for us to accomplish, as His will is being worked out in our lives. But we do hit opp...
So when God used the word "galal," meaning "roll," the ancient reader had a visual of a camel making rolling repetitious movements in the sand that could connect with many metaphoric applications. Psalm 37:5 gives us a case of how this is used in Scripture. The following is taken from...
and to be the youngest of many siblings. She attended a Christian church and grade school with amazing pastors and teachers who faithfully taught God’s Word. After receiving a B.S. In English, she worked a number of years in legal word processing. She is the mother of one wonderful son...
In other words, when you get right with God and are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will simply shine through you. God is the light that shines within and through His church as the light of the world. The same word the Bible uses for light in Matthew 5 to describe Christ’s Ch...