30. What Is Jazz Funk Dance_ _ Jazz Dance是【这就是街舞第三季】老阿姨教你跳JAZZ爵士舞。一共33集. 中文机翻字幕 王嘉尔/张艺兴/钟汉良/王一博的第29集视频,该合集共计33集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
what is funk.what is jazz【转发】@David叶音_WiiiiK:#这就是街舞# 再一次跳这首歌因为实在挺喜欢的,虽然后面有点没力气了~ 还是希望大家喜欢[米奇比心]哈哈哈叶音超话这就是街舞超话 L叶音简...
#南京1758#Alin编舞 #Jazzfunk真是麻雀吃蟋蟀,雀食帅啊!!! 南京1758爵士舞街舞工作室 184 0 每周二周三都要和Lilydayoo老师一起跳超酷Hip-hop吖🆒#Lilydayoo编舞 |Hip-hop🎵Get dis money#南京1758 南京1758爵士舞街舞工作室 128 0 朵朵同学上完Lily老师的集训和私教后进步真的很大吖~Lilydayoo编舞 |...
JazzFunk 🎵Tell Me跟alin老师一起复古一下叭~#南京1758 #Alin编舞 #Jazzfunk 71 -- 3:49 App 【南京1758】Lilydayoo国庆集训 Hiphop 73 -- 0:56 App 每周和Alin老师跳Dancehall&Afro的时光就是最快乐的~Alin编舞 |Dancehall&Afro🎵Pumpkin fruit南京1758 134 -- 4:36 App 大家都跳的好棒呀,嘶哈...
【爵士表演】Chet Baker - Live in Holland International Jazzfestival Laren (1975) 8821 2 51:35 App 【日本爵士专辑(后波普/调式爵士/冷爵士)】福居良 Ryo Fukui - Mellow Dream (1977) 3.9万 4 1:05:35 App 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | Funk Jazz EP.01 441 -- 2:08 App 戴夫·布鲁贝...
other bands sang the praises of funk as a means of self-development and personal liberation, while established jazz artists such as Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock adapted and explored the funk groove. The disco music of the late 1970s evolved from the rhythmic and social foundation of funk. ...
字典上的解释:funk:1.[过时]惊恐;畏缩,怯懦 2.[过时]因害怕或缺乏意志而退缩/逃避 3.[现代流行的,尤用于跳舞的](乡土)爵士音乐 4.[美]使鲜亮生色,使活泼激烈
环球funk精选 2018-11-3 12:32 来自微博视频号 复古Waacking编舞 l what is Jazz - Club Des Belugas L环球funk精选的秒拍视频 抱歉,视频无法播放,去看看其他视频û收藏 33 评论 ñ66 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
Funk is innovative because of its emphasis on a groove rather than a melody or chord progression. This rhythmic prevalence has allowed an emergence of music based around 16th notes rather than eighth notes. Jazz had been doing this since the bebop era of the 1940's and in some cases, even...