比较基于 DTU 和 vCore 的购买模型 虽然基于 DTU 的购买模型以计算、存储和 I/O 资源的捆绑度量值为基础,但相比之下,Azure SQL 数据库的 vCore 购买模型可让你独立选择和缩放计算及存储资源。 利用基于 vCore 的购买模型,还可为 SQL Server 使用 Azure 混合权益以节省成本,并提供用于Azure SQL 数据库的无服务...
Get an introduction to SQL Database: technical details and capabilities of the Microsoft relational database management system (RDBMS) in the cloud.
Azure SQL 資料庫是裝載在 Azure 的關聯式資料庫即服務 (DBaaS),其產業類別屬於「軟體即服務 (SaaS)」。最適合用於需使用最新穩定 SQL Server 功能,且開發與行銷階段有時間限制的新式雲端應用程式。 一個完全受控的 SQL Server 資料庫引擎,以最新穩定版的 SQL Server Enterprise 為基礎。 SQL Database ...
Learn about the features and documentation improvements for Azure SQL Database made in previous years. (Archive)
using an Always On availability group to create a replica database in an Azure VM; and running Data Migration Assistant (DMA) to migrate a database to an Azure VM. Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Database, Microsoft's PaaS option for SQL Server users in the cloud, is more specif...
Interestingly, I got one of those new SQL-2019 _still unreleased_ version of SQL Server in Azure-SQL. We’ve truncated a whole bunch of audit tables on a production server. The database file size is 320 GB although it now only contains about 60 GB worth of data. Doing a DBCC SH...
All of which will allow you to see the data captured in the Query Store. Stretch Database The purpose of the new Stretch Database feature is to essentially split hot, warm and cold data and seamlessly move the warm data to Azure, thereby improving the performance of your hot data, reduces...
Here is our documentation about performance tuning:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-performance-guidance 3. Any increase in the workload? Check the top CPU queries has any execution count increase during the time in question which can be found...
Get an introduction to SQL Database: technical details and capabilities of the Microsoft relational database management system (RDBMS) in the cloud.
Get an introduction to SQL Database: technical details and capabilities of the Microsoft relational database management system (RDBMS) in the cloud.