ByNaresh BeniwalinPostgreSQLonAug 142024 0 121 0 Post Your Answer How do you use subqueries in PostgreSQL? How do you create and manage indexes in PostgreSQL?
In Oracle, Varchar2 ensures that there's no difference between a NULL value and an empty string. 7 Another aspect to consider is future compatibility. Oracle has hinted that Varchar's behavior may be subject to change in subsequent releases. As a result, database designers and administrators ...
I have problem with query when I use distinct I got text type cannot be selected as distinct so what is the different if I change it to varchar please help Thanks
Conversion between types DT_DATE and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type Conversion failed from Varchar to uniqueidentifier Convert .csv file to .xls file using Script task in SSIS 2008 Convert blob data to string Convert date and...
Varchar and enum approaches look pretty much the same for a human eye. On the other hand, the integer is not human-readable. Then you see status=1, you have no way to say what status is just by looking into the database, and you have to keep the mapping between numbers and words ...
Give example of each.. phpmysql 24th Sep 2019, 6:26 AM Ravi gupta 1 Respuesta Responder + 1 5th Oct 2019, 10:25 PM A͢J M Responder
The height column is created with the DECIMAL data type: CREATE TABLE linuxhint_table ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50), age INT, height DECIMAL(10, 2) ); In this example the DECIMAL type accepts a scale of “2”, meaning that regardless of the number of ...
What is difference between type casting and type conversion? In type casting,a data type is converted into another data type by a programmer using castingoperator. Whereas in type conversion, a data type is converted into another data type by a compiler. ...
Difference between truncating and shrinking a log Difference VarChar(50) and VarChar(500) Disable Allow Inprocess option of Linked server provider Disable transaction log for a stored procedure Disabling all logins Disk error "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect" re...
Fieldis a column that contains information within a table. Data typespecifies the kind of data a field can contain (e.g., integer, varchar, date). A well-designed database schema ensures that the data is correct, the query performance is optimized, and your database can support business ...