To be named to the dean's list at SDSU, for example, a student "must be in good academic standing and achieve a 3.50 GPA or greater based on a minimum of 12 units of credit for courses in which letter grades were assigned," Wood says. Experts say a 4.0 GPA, which is straight A'...
Every college's net price calculator is different. For instance, some colleges' net price calculators, like the University of Richmond in Virginia, do not take merit aid into account. "That could be additional aid that the student ends up being eligible for once they actua...
Lanser previously served as the associate dean of admissions at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, and he estimates that he saw around 35 different variations of GPA structures in that role. What Is Grade Point Average and Why Is It Important? The most common GPA struct...
"Looking at the MCAT averages or the ranges for incoming classes at different schools, I think is a good place to start and sort of help an applicant contextualize themselves in the applicant pool," says Dimple Patel, associate dean of admissions at the University of Minnesota Medical School....
Lanser previously served as the associate dean of admissions at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, and he estimates that he saw around 35 different variations of GPA structures in that role. What Is Grade Point Average and Why Is It Important? The most common GPA ...
Phame Camarena, dean of the William Conroy Honors College at New Mexico State University, says the goal "isn't necessarily to offer harder and faster work. It's to provide enrichment." "Both a college and a program really are there to help students do more with their education," he ...
Students should determine what's most important, Geiger says: "affordability or academic experience." "Remember too: your CLEP exams will likely be replacing introductory courses that (depending on your college) could be very large, lecture-style classes," he says. "If this is the case, you...
Larsen, vice provost and dean of the graduate school at the University of Houston. The rules for maintaining good academic progress apply to all students, but for international students, failing to do so could mean jeopardizing their ability to remain in the U.S. Here are ...
former law school dean who is now the president ofSt. John's College in Marylandand an alumna of two top law schools –Yale Law Schoolin Connecticut and theGeorgetown Law Centerin Washington, D.C. "That, combined with the prestige of the degree which makes entry into highly presti...
St. George's University, which is home to a med school and has its main campus on the island of Grenada in the West Indies, considers applicants that U.S. medical schools might not, says Bob Ryan, dean of admissions. Those applicants may include students who had a rocky start in c...