there are a large number of interesting ideas and interpretations. On the other, there is a discrepancy between proposals and their possible inconsistency with the original idea. Therefore, it is important to have a game design document where the main ...
【What is “白左”?】 经查阅,原来该词出自国内网络,“白左”的定义:那些喜欢关心诸如移民、少数民族、LGBT、环保、动物保护等议题,而对现实社会中的问题毫无概念的西方人。 老朽在此为读者做点贡献,那就是找到了对应的英文: 【White Supremacy Denialism】 ...
Japan's rainy season, or tsuyu, is a period of heavy rainfall in early summer that affects most of the country. Learn about the rainy season in Tokyo, Kyoto, and each region of Japan, and tips on how to make the rainy season enjoyable.
TV Guide Tonight is Australia's premier online destination for all TV programming schedules. Stay updated with your favourite shows, live sports, movies, and more, across all networks & channels. Find out Whats on TV and keep your finger on the pulse of
Most Reima shoes have a "Happy Fit" measuring system on the insole. The size is good, when the foot is inside the happy face area. It's still fine when the toes reach the line – you don’t need to leave extra room for growth. If the toes clearly cross the line, the shoe is ...
What is a resalt?什么是结果?Is getting married a result?结婚就是结果吗?or is hand to hand for lifetime a result?白头偕老叫结果吗?Marrige could also end in divorce,结了婚也会离婚,and there’s always someone dying before another.白头偕老也终有一个人要先走。There’s s no telling what ...
I have been utilizing Tumblr a great deal over the past year, since it was a very fast and easy way to communicate and share and be part of the internet community while I was outrageously busy. By now it is an important hub for my adventure into comic making, and you can even read...
“Wholesome” is the term we’ve used for our name and organization, but the actual meaning of it, to us, is subjective and can shift based on context. What’s wholesome to one person may be a little different than what another would deem wholesome, and coming up wi...
Lightning usually strikes an aircraft on the front side of the plane's cockpit. The edge of the cockpit window is a typical point of impact. The aluminium fuselage of the aircraft conducts electricity well, and due to that, the lightning discharge does not affect the inside of the airc...
s designs for the various characters populating Moominvalley are amazing and unlike pretty much anything else that’s ever graced the interior of a newspaper. What’s most striking about this strip is that it exists at all; it seems to break every conventional rule of newspaper strip cartooning...