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All it needs is some good marketing. One selling point might be that most if not all mined iridium ultimately comes from meteorites, which contain 300-1500 times as much iridium as the earth’s native crust. OK, that’s iridium. Now here’s the weird deal on osmium. A series of web...
Every company wants its customer churn rate to be 0%, which is sort of impractical. You can still keep it somewhat closer to 0%, and to do that, you need to know where you currently stand. A popular formula used for calculating churn is:There are many ways to calculate it:...
Here is the answer to questions like: What is base 16 log of 1500? or what is the base 16 log of 1500? Use our | Log16 calculator to find the logarithm of any positive number for any number base you enter. What is logarithm?
PMI is usually canceled automatically as soon as your paid equity reaches 22%These changes were partially made to start getting the government out of the mortgage insurance business, and move more of that business to the private sector. (So much for Obama's supposedly socialist agenda.) Anyway...
When you optimize work for happiness instead of money, peculiar things can happen. My happy work started making money. And it did the same thing for my wife. The reason for this is simple: When you do work optimized for happiness, you do your best work. You do the work you were meant...
So if your current share count is 1500 shares, you will receive an additional 150 shares as a dividend. The companies can opt-in for both of these dividends based on their preferences. Why does the company pay dividends? The payment of dividends to the investors is a result of the company...
The S&P 500 is one of the most widely quoted American indexes because it represents the largest publicly traded corporations in the U.S. It focuses on the U.S. market's large-cap sector and it's also a float-weighted index which is a type of capitalization weighting. Company market caps...
Users of the TTD often use the prefix "TT$" to differentiate it from other dollar-denominated currencies, such as those of the United States, Canada, and Australia. Key Takeaways The Trinidad and Tobago dollar is the national currency of Trinidad and Tobago. ...