by tinkering with the classpath of scala. Then we’ll see how the same can be done with a small SBT project. Finally, I’ll describe why I prefer the SBT based method of
Click on FOLLOW button on this page to enter email address to be notified of future Posts. No other unrelated emails will be sent. Go toAbout/Using This Sitetab at top of page or Menu on phones to help navigate this Site. I also blog athttp://donewithreligion.comIf you wish to disc...
@ Engr.Aidktuzmiko I'm not sure if you can crop screen regions with VLC, but to get recording go to the menu tabs, media->convert/save->Capture devices tab..Ctrl+R shortcut In the Capture devices select Capture Mode and choose Desktop, then set desired framerate to 15 or more. ...
I think the ugly wrestle is there to allow the defence to retreat 10m, a completed tackle straight away puts the defence in a awkward position. Sounds daft but a 7m offside might help these situations. Might not either of course. Expand I'm sure that 7 metres would impr...
First time posting here. I've been working on computers for a long time, and usually on this kind of issue I would just wipe the machine and start over. But this is a friend's laptop and she has some important programs installed that she does not have access to anywhere e...
Sales have absolutely slumped since their peak, though like with seemingly everything in crypto there’s always somebody declaring it over and done with right before a big spike. Am I predicting that NFTs are about to make a comeback? Absolutely not, but I’m sure there are plenty of folk...
(2000). Endangered Native American languages: What is to be done and why? In J. Crawford, At war with diversity: US language policy in an age of anxiety. Clevedon, England and Toronto: Multilingual Matters.Crawford, J. (1995). Endangered Native American languages: What is to be done, ...
Communities Use Agreement I don't understand, when these kind of defamatory remarks are tolerated. I wouldn't mind so much if one of my comments hadn't been rejected for having a slightly 'aggressive' tone. There's something very one-sided about this—I've entered the lion's den to be...
In fact, that is one of the core points I've been trying to make. The Exchange tools fully leverage the Cluster API. We are not doing anything inside of a cluster that isin any waydifferent from what the cluster tools do. CCR is new and different; it is not like a traditiona...
17For what the queen has done will become known to all the women, and will make them hate their husbands. They will say, ‘King Ahasuerus told Queen Vashti to be brought to him, but she would not come.’18This very day the ladies of Persia and Media who have hea...