Skull (cast) of Ninjemys, the giant turtle. Pipe snakes! Snakes with vestigial hindlegs. Istiodactylus pterosaur snout-tip (real fossil) from the Isle of Wight, UK. Nice 3D fossil. The gharial (Gavialis), male with protuberance on snout (mating-related). I dub thee Dinosaur Corner! Fo...
Lemmens RJ, Seelen HA, Timmermans AA, Schnackers ML, Eerden A, Smeets RJ, Janssen-Potten YJ. To what extent can arm-hand skill performance--of both healthy adults and children--be recorded reliably using multiple bodily worn sensor devices? IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2015;23(4):...
The kids fuel the tanks, the grown-ups arm the phasers, the whole starship lurches from one spine-tingling episode to another. And the crew knows how to keep it going. If the level of drama drops below a certain threshold, someone jumps in to amp it up. Dad gets drunk, Mom gets ...