I certainly wish you were stronger in certain areas such as Talmudic skullduggery. Like Jesse Ventura you have some growing to do in this regard. But your website does indeed contain pointed criticism of Israeli policies and your relatively more recent YouTube entries reveal your protest of evils...
yet the bank itself does not know who has the bill, and therefore cannot trace it. this way, when the bank issues you a stream of numbers designed to be accepted as cash, you have a way of changing the numbers while maintaining the bank's imprimatur. one of chaum's most dramatic ...
~~大力推荐~~~是SHINYA和老大的~~ What does the name "Dir en grey" mean? Kaoru: It means "greyish silver coin"...it's a kind of coinage that German ("dir 分享38赞 翔宇七年一班吧 一陣風生 hello, i'm from US, can someone tell me anything about ACG? one of my chinese friend ...