What does the empowerment zone mean for minority businesses?Dyck Moses
What does Exodus 3:14 mean? This is among the key verses in the entire Bible. God is speaking to Moses out of a miraculous occurrence: a bush which is on fire, but not burnt up (Exodus 3:1–4). God plans to free Israel from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 3:9). God has also ...
First start by drinking fluoride free mineral enriched oxygenated water [not purified through reverse osmoses] this is a must; this will help stabilize your damaged bio-terrine. In cancer patients; mega-doses of Vitim C will also be required to counter act the cell’s fermentation process; ...
What Does Sabbath Mean? The noun “shabbaton” has the abstract ending on it: “resting, ceasing.” The root word means “cease” from something, more than “to rest.” The Law would make it clear that they were to cease from their normal occupations and do no common work. The term ...
"And the Lord said to Moses, 'You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, "Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you.'" Observance of the Sabbath (Leviticus 23...
Moses, StephenVickerman, PeterMishra, SharmisthaJAIDS -HAGERSTOWN MD-BOILY, M. C., PICKLES, M., ALARY, M., BARAL, S., BLANCHARD, J., MOSES, S., VICKERMAN, P. & MISHRA, S. 2015. What Really Is a Concentrated HIV Epidemic and What Does It Mean for West and Central Africa?