De jure segregation is the legally allowed or enforced separation of groups of people. The Latin phrase “de jure” literally means “according to the law.” TheJim Crow Lawsof the U.S. southern states from the late 1800s into the 1960s and the South Africanapartheid lawsthat separated Bla...
The first is C. Vann Woodward’sThe Strange Career of Jim Crow.InJim CrowWoodward tells the story of the emergence of the increasingly severe laws enforcing segregation in the South following the end of Reconstruction. (In the North we were more De Facto than De Jure about segregation.)They...
Topics discussed include school failure by African-American youth as an impediment to narrowing social and economic inequality, increase in isolation of disadvantaged student and its impact on narrowing achievement gaps and factors aggravating segregation among people of the U.S. It also discusses ...
a de facto situation results from socio-economic factors such as the de facto segregation that exists in some areas.De factocan also refer to things. Consider the following quote fromEuronews.comthat discusses the effect of the United Kingdom...
What does de facto mean in law? De facto meansa state of affairs that is true in fact, but that is not officially sanctioned. ... In contrast, de jure means a state of affairs that is in accordance with law (i.e. that is officially sanctioned). ...
--employ the narcissism lexicon glibly and confidently to describe all kinds of bad behavior as if everyone knows exactly what they mean. One problem with this is that nearly everyone who does it (like Tony Blair's talented friend in the article linked to below) seems to have no idea what...