When anthropologist Zhou Lei returned to Jiangxi Province, he was stunned to see what had happened to Poyang Lake.
The water footprint is an indicator of humanity's appropriation of freshwater in volumes of water consumed and/or polluted. It can be measured and presented either as a matrix in fine spatiotemporal resolution or at an aggregated level for a basin/region/sector. Water footprint as a number ...
Definition of a Carbon Footprint Carbon footprint is a term that represents the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities and choices of a person, group, or business. Those actions include the processes used to make the good...
D. It is about changes in land use and water consumption across the globe.答案:A 分析:答案:A 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段.。。based on “ecological footprint (生态足迹)" that measures how much land and sea each person needs to produce the resources they consume and to absorb (吸收) ...
Coffee. It’s the beverage that many of us rely on to galvanize us into action in the morning. In today’s world, it’s ubiquitous. But coffee is so much
Probably the coolest job in the world: Opera is looking for a personal browser, a person to browse the web and share their experience with the world October 22, 2020 The Norwegian browser company is opening a dream position for anyone hooked to their computer screens. The winning candidate ...
Let’s face it, your reusable water bottle reduces your carbon footprint, something that does a whole lot of good. You know what doesn’t do a whole lot of good — black mold. Molds thrive in warm, moist environments, like showers, baths, toilets, and even your water bottle. So, wha...
Using a Dehumidifier You may be able to use greywater from a dehumidifier to water plants. © iStockphoto.com/VikaValter A portable dehumidifier can consume 160 kilowatt hours per month (kWh) -- that's more than your refrigerator eats up. However, it does burn less energy than the...
Sizeable companies tasked with capturing vast amounts of data across many machines can use the tool’s ability to scale. Does your organization have a large production environment with multiple operating systems? Are you staffed well enough to be proactive in your security posture? If so, Osquery...
Large-scale cryptocurrency miners are often located where energy is abundant, reliable, and cheap. But, processing cryptocurrency transactions and minting new coins does not need to be energy-intensive. Bitcoin could be adjusted to use a non-competitive block proposing and verification mechanism. ...