what does mean "tonsils" ?是什么意思? [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需写下外语文章并让母语使用者更正! 使用HiNative,免费让母语使用者帮你订正文章✍️✨ 注册新帐户 相同关键字的提问 瞩目的提问
What does Tensils mean? 1 :capable of tension: ductile. 2 : of, relating to, or involving tension tensile stress. What does tinsel smell like? What Does Tinsel Fragrance Oil Smell Like? Tinsel Fragrance Oil from Nature's Garden is a holiday scent like you've never experienced!Pomegranate,...
Tonsils are part of the immune system. They help fight infection. Tonsillitis may be caused by a bacterial or a viral infection. Recurrent tonsillitis is tonsillitis that happens at least 5 times in 1 year. Chronic tonsillitis lasts 3 months or longer.What are the signs and symptoms of ...
- Who cares if he's what he says he is? Who the hell is? If love's based on lies, does that mean it's not a real feeling? Doesn't bring the same pleasure? 谁在乎他是不是名不副实?谁又能做到名副其实?如果一份爱是建立在谎言上的,那这份爱就不是真情实感了吗?就不会给人带来同样...
Occasionally the condition is chronic and does not resolve on its own.Swallowingmay become difficult with swollen tonsils. Breathing during sleep is also affected, causing snoring, premature waking and occasionally sleepapnea, the cessation of breathing for a short period of time. ...
My son has white bumps on top of his tonsils, and he's complaining of a sore throat as well. What could this be? I'm worried that it's strep. 6 Answers Dr. Don Paul Setliff Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) El Centro, CA Most likely of no medical significance. Normal tonsils...
One possible reason adults may have a tougher time is that the older you are, the harder it can be for the surgeon to remove your tonsils. Scar tissue builds up on tonsils over time. The more you have, the more difficult it is to remove. This, however, does not fully account for th...
Does oral sex cause bacterial infection? During oral sex, bacteria can spread from the mouth to the vagina or urethra, which can cause a urinary tract infection or bacterial vaginosis. Some bacterial STDs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, can also be passed on through oral sex. So...
Permanent disability is lifelong and impacts earning ability, while temporary disability is for recoverable injuries with limited work capacity.
Strep throats also tend to be described as avery severe sore throat, and symptoms persist for a lot longer than sore throats due to another cause. Swallowing may be particularly difficult, and the tonsils and back of the throat appear bright red and swollen-looking. Sometimes streaks of pus...