I too have pitting edema on my scalp (top of my head) I also get it in my legs Left and right) arms and face. If I have a tight sleeve or bracelet on, the marks will remain on my forearms/wrists for an hour or more. Diuretics help, and I don't use salt. I have had a ...
In pitting edema, the application of pressure on the skin leaves an indentation, which is caused by a low concentration of protein in the fluid within the interstitial spaces [6]. 3. The Original Starling Principle In 1896, the Starling Principle was presented to explain microvascular fluid ...
particularly late-elderly-onset rheumatoid arthritis that often presents with a polymyalgic phenotype, as well as other rheumatic conditions such as spondyloarthropathies, crystal-induced arthropathies, connective tissue diseases, or the remittent seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (RS3...
Pitting edema is a medical condition in which fluid builds up in the extremities to such a degree that when the fluid-filled extremity is gently pushed with a finger, a depression will remain in the flesh for some time before the flesh slowly bounces back into place. This condition is a ...