Based on our internal check, over 2,000 items were added but a lot has been pulled from the game as well. You cancheck out the initial Spring Sale list items here, but for the new stuff, we have it below. PlayStation Store Spring Sale Update – New Games Added: Note: We have enab...
There are always going to be those people who think they're good at drawing and can give you a quick tattoo at home with a needle and some ink from a craft store. You'll only end up with a tattoo that looks like a child's drawing and a painfu...
20 PUBLIC What's New in IS-H 618 Support Package 029 Diese Information können Sie im SAP Patient Management in der Detailverwaltung zu einer Leistung erfassen. Sie können nun diese Information auch in den BAPIs BAPI_CASESERVICE_CREATEMULT und BAPI_CASESERVICE_CHANGEMULT verwalten. Die ...