What do gland cells produce?Question:What do gland cells produce?Cell Types:Cell types are the various sorts of cells that are found in a living organism. Each cell type only expresses a subset of its genetic information. The various cell types in a multicellular organism are highly specialized...
(a) What type of cells make up the gastric pits (stomach)? (b) What do they produce?Stomach:The stomach is a J-shaped organ that temporarily stores ingested food before releasing it is small amounts to the small intestine. The inner wall of the stomach has distinct...
This will help grind up food in its stomach for easier digestion. Their actual teeth are small and vestigial (meaning they’re highly reduced and no longer serve the same purpose). Axolotls do most of their hunting at night and then hide among aquatic vegetation and mud along the bottom to...
Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in the stomach, slows digestion. It also can help control your blood sugar and decrease blood cholesterol levels. Soluble fibers include guar gum, psyllium, pectin and beta-glucan, Katz notes. You’ll find soluble fiber in...
Stomach acid more easily flows back up into the esophagus, creating discomfort and making it difficult to fall asleep. Additionally, going to sleep too soon after eating means your body hasn’t had time to digest the food fully. This can cause interruptions to your sleep, as well as ...
Babesiosis.The blacklegged tick spreads this parasitic infection. The parasites infect redblood cellsand cause symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, and body aches. Eventually, the parasites can destroy more red blood cells than your body can produce. Babesiosis can be life-threatening, especial...
While there is some evidence that dairy can do the same, when it comes to foods, Dr. William Davis claims that wheat is unique in its ability to cross the BBB. Different than wheat lectin and inflammation in the body, Dr. Davis talks about howwhen gluten is digested in the stomach by...
With a firmer feel, the W Hotel Plush Top Mattress is better suited to stomach sleepers, plus back sleepers who prefer a sturdy support. Like the Pillow Top Mattress, the Plush Top contains a sturdy innerspring layer, reinforced at the perimeter to lessen sag. The plush finish adds a touch...
Stomach I point this out because you’ll note that several of the most common (and aggressive) cancers have to do with your gastrointestinal system. The function of your body that processes the food you eat, distributes it around your body as needed, and does its best to dump the leftove...
What are the enzymes found in the pancreatic juices of the small intestine and what does each enzyme do? What specific enzymes or other digestive substances are associated with each segment of the digestive tract? Which cells produce these substances? One action of HCl in the ...