A cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts. Pull the pin out of the grenade before throwing it at the enemy. Needle To form in the shape of a needle; as, to needle crystals. Pin The victory condition of holding the opponent's shoulders on the...
When sound reproduction was discovered, a record industry was quick to follow. Simon Heighes tells the story of how the wax cylinder started a worldwide musical revolution
Feed the Elephant Space Pilot Pitchin’ Pal Action Game Electric Football Colorforms Toy Guns & Western Clothing Miniature Piano/Accordion Portable Phonograph Player Toy Drum Roy Rogers Plastic Figures Circus Sets View-Master Dolls Domestics (Brooms, Vacuums, Stovetops, etc.) ...
powerful sonar devices, sonobuoys (small buoys with hydrophone listening and radio-transmitting capabilities for monitoring movement of ocean vessels) and piezo ignition systems for single cylinder ignitions.