South Africa’s Grade 5 pupils have been ranked last out of 59 countries in maths and science in an international standardised test conducted last year. However, the country’s Grade 9 performance in maths in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has shown “a remar...
Varanasi is a sacred city in Hinduism, often referred to as the spiritual capital of India. During my visit, I witnessed the ritual bathing at the ghats along the Ganges River, which is believed to cleanse one’s sins. I also explored the city’s many temples and observed various ceremonie...
"Ceci,wake up.It's an earthquake!"That's what Cecilia Wallace heard her mother shouting on the early morning of February 27th.Cecilia is a 7th-grader.She,her parents and her brother,Sam,were in Chile's capital city,Santiago
Santiago Guitar:it’s far... yes! but it’s awesome! if you go in summer be prepared! the heat will be hard! attractions are fun and more! food is not that great tho... which they got better options to eat! If you’re in Shanghai and one day one to explore something different...
The copper-mining giant Freeport-McMoRanunlocked next-level performanceby building and deploying an AI model at an ore-concentrating mill in Bagdad, Arizona. Leadership set the aspiration to increase the site’s copper output without a massive injection of capital. The company pulled together cross-...
Leadership styles and human capital are important drivers of innovation processes. The way the leader interacts with the organization members can pre-empt or leverage innovation processes as leaders influence, empower and motivate other individuals in the achievement of their goals. Human capital is an...
cap(s). capital(s) prot. protectorate CEN. central prov. province co. county reg. region col. colony s south(ern) ctr. center SE southeast(ern) dept. department sq. mi. square mile(s) dist. district SW southwest(ern) div. division terr. territory E east(ern) twp. township ft. fee...