In C++, the Read and GetFormat methods now return size_t instead of int. C++: Instances of audio input streams now can be passed only as a shared_ptr. Bug fixes Fixed incorrect return values in the result when RecognizeAsync() times out. The dependency on media foundation libraries on Wi...
In January of 2017, President Donald Trump made the executive decision to deny refugees of the Syrian Civil War entry into the U.S., as well as citizens of Iran, Iraq, and several other Middle Eastern countries. North Korea launched four ballistic missiles toward the Sea of Japan. President...
South Africa’s Grade 5 pupils have been ranked last out of 59 countries in maths and science in an international standardised test conducted last year. However, the country’s Grade 9 performance in maths in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has shown “a remar...
Schools in the States simply admit a lot more students than is usual in most other countries. Also, most young American university students have not traveled in other countries and are not very well-versed in international matters and do not know a lot about people from other countries. Foreig...
“marriage made in heaven”. The resultant company transformed PepsiCo from a soft drinkorganizationand set it on a path to becoming one of the world’s leading food and beverage companies. Today, PepsiCo claims to operate in more than 200 countries and territories around the world with seven...