What is co-dependency and what isn't 本文的中心目标是让大家看到,绝大多数的人绝对不是co-dependent,co-dependency is a symptom very few people have, and only those that are extremely unhealthy would have it. 我在交往silas 之前其实及其的不正常,是他让我正常了起来,有了我自己的世界,但是其实也花...
假性亲密与依赖共生(Codependency)在近年的研究中,Codependency经常和假性亲密关系(Irrelationship)一起讨论,因为“Codependency”造成的病态相互依赖的关系,往往也是双方的共谋,和假性亲密关系一样,Codependency 的双方也往往都看似稳固,很难分开。Codependency关系中的人,其实也是秘密地达成了互惠的共谋,这一点,...
What Is Codependency? - A wealth of info on Codependency Symptoms and Recovery provided by Darlene Lancer, author of Codependency for Dummies
Co-dependency is trying to control your life, and your emotions about your life, by controlling someone else’s life circumstances. Anytime your ability to fully love yourself, make the best decisions for you, be happy, or have peace in your life is hindered by a relationship dynamic you h...
Codependency is a term used to describe a dysfunctional relationship pattern where one person prioritizes the needs and wants of another person over their own. The term was originally coined in the context of addiction, where family members or partners of addicts would enable the addictive ...
音频列表 1 Part 1: What's Codependency, and Who's Got It? 462017-07 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1087 Be全程( WH问句) Simon编 by:Simon123356 1543 试音part by:云深不知何时起 190 夜(Part2) by:华语音乐 184 Ket Speaking part by:夕夕的小花园 1313 HungerGames - Part1 by:_若海_ 1525 雅思口语...
It’s a form orsymptom of codependencyrooted intoxic shameand low self-esteem. The need for validation and love compensates for deep feelings of unlovability. However, because we don’t feel deserving, we can’t accept that we’re loved. We assume others judge us as we judge ourselves....
Co-dependency, 5-video series - Patient Education and Counselingdoi:10.1016/0738-3991(93)90100-BSandraMHandleySDOSPatient Education & Counseling
What Is Generational Trauma – Mother Wounds Symptoms of Children of Narcissists and Addicts What an Interdependent Relationship Looks Like 10 Reasons Emotional Abuse is Traumatizing The Promises of Recovery Relationship Anxiety 1 2 3 4 … 8
依赖共生(Codependency) Codependency这个词,在中文中曾经被翻译为拖累症,然而我们认为这种翻译并不完全准确。我们更愿意称呼它为“依赖共生关系”。 Codependency最早出自和物质成瘾相关的语境,是指一种伴侣之间的关系。例如,一对伴侣中一方酒精成瘾,导致自身功能低下;而另一方则依赖于伴侣的这种功能低下,给出强制性的...