To cut the grease and clean solid floors without leaving behind a sticky residue, use 1/4-cup vinegar in a bucket of warm water. Mop the floors and let them dry. Do not use vinegar on wood floors, unless they're highly sealed, or marble. If possible, open the windows until the vine...
The white parts of the chioggia beets turn brown, and when grated you lose all their cuteness (though they might work okay if mandolined and eaten quickly – I can’t say, I haven’t tried it). But the red beets – grate them or slice them thin enough, and you have sweet, ...
This is so very helpful. I am sick to death of flaking non-stick surfaces! We are shopping for a new set of cookware and we will definitely be using anodized! Bylokilove— On Dec 22, 2009 That explains why anodized pots are so much more than the non-stick ones. I figured they were...
Under no circumstances should you wash and reuse gloves as the residue of chemicals will still be on the outside of the glove. Tell your boss to stop being cheap and be more concerned with your health and safety. If they refuse, report them to OSHA and see what they have to say about...
To help get the residue out of your clothes from previously used laundry productsuse plain white vinegar instead of fabric softener. It's amazing what you'll see floating on top of the water when you use vinegar as your rinse agent. The smell won't stay in your clothes once they're dry...
Is Dacron the same as polypropylene? I need UV resistant rope for my flag pole and was told that Dacron fills the bill. Problem is all I can find in Dacron is fishing line. Flag pole companies sell nylon and polypropylene. Byanon3460— On Aug 30, 2007 ...
in water pipes, water heaters,dishwashers, clothes washers, and evencoffee makers. The crusty residue also shows up around faucets, shower heads, and drains. This scale reduces the life of appliances and lowers the efficiency of water heaters and water pipes. You might even notice that your ...
I am a dishwasher. I recently bought a pair of gloves for my job that I thought would work well at resisting the hot temperatures of the water I use. They are "Spontex" Bluettes. They are made of neoprene, nitrile and acrylic. After using them one day, I noticed a rash on my hand...
plastic polymer with the chemical formula C3H6. It is used in many different settings, both in industry and in consumer goods, and it can be used both as a structural plastic and as a fiber. This plastic is often used for food containers, particularly those that need to be dishwasher safe...
It is used in many different settings, both in industry and in consumer goods, and it can be used both as a structural plastic and as a fiber. This plastic is often used for food containers, particularly those that need to be dishwasher safe. The melting point of polypropylene is very ...