The Bible presents a profound vision of the New Heaven and the New Earth, which signifies the culmination of God's plan for redemption and restoration. This concept, found in both the Old and New Testaments, offers believers a glimpse into a future where sin and suffering are eradicated....
The Covenant Setting - This is what Moses said to all of Israel in the Transjordanian wilderness, the arid rift valley opposite Suph, between Paran
What is the significance of the Trinity in Chrisianity?Follow Question 3 Great Question Asked by LostInParadise (32280) September 5th, 2024 Are there different types of prayers made for the father, son and holy spirit? What is the holy spirit? Is it mentioned in the Bible? What did ...
This is what the LORD says. The heavens are my throne, and the earth is a footstool under my feet. Where, then, is the house that you could build for
Those who accept a martyr’s death are promised a crown, but nowhere does the Bible grant an exemption for those who reject Jesus, coercion notwithstanding. Not in the Church Age, and not during the Tribulation. “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall ...
The kingdom f heaven belongs to them.” (Matthew 5:3 GW) Look at what Dr. J. Vernon McGee had to say. “Blessed ar the poor in spirit.” It doesn’t tell you how to become poor in spirit; it just says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Having had the self-esteem beaten ...
In our minds, the way God weaves remarkable events in and through our lives may seem illogical and beyond our understanding. However, we walk by faith, not by sight. Christians know that God’s thoughts are above our thoughts and God’s ways are higher t
The two women Larry had mentioned were already inside their tent and appeared to be preparing for bed. “There’s another spot over there,” one girl said mid yawn while pointing to a small exposed patch of dirt only a few feet from theirs. “It’ll be fine if you’re up before su...
1. The most important point here is to keep in mind the organic unity of the Old Testament. Its predictions are not isolated, but features of one grand prophetic picture; its ritual and institutions parts of one great system; its history, not loosely connected events, but an organic developm...
Today was certainly not the first time I have read the admonition to “tremble”. When you serve the awesome God we serve, it’s a given! But the verse in Isaiah caused me to stop and think. There are certain things I do “for the Lord” that are a pleasure. They fall within my...