Moreover, there are various common mechanisms underlying both diseases, including alcoholic liver disease and NAFLD, which are commonalities. In this Review, the authors explore similar downstream signaling events involved in the onset and progression of the two entities but not...
Since inception the dropout rate has been less than 5% using mobile CPT outreach services. Although data collection is still underway, currently 142 patients have completed CPT and an additional 135 are enrolled in treatment. Conclusions Results support the use of mobile therapy as a means of im...
Considering studies indicate players of MMORPG games report both lower self-esteem and are more vulnerable to GD; it may be that the effect size in the relationship between the self-esteem and GD is also larger for MMORPG players. The review also aims to compare effect size scores in Eastern...
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests. How to cite this article: Canestrelli, D., Bisconti, R., Sacco, F. & Nascetti, G. What triggers the rising of an intraspecific biodiversity hotspot? Hints from the agile frog. Sci. Rep. 4, 5042; DOI:...
3.3. What are the similarities and differences between the US and UK traditions of Community OR? The title of this subsection should not be interpreted as implying that there are only two nationalities of interest; as mentioned earlier, Community OR is much more widely international, but the US...
The authors propose that an explanatory variable for such situations might be that actual shared beliefs of pasture users assist players to economize on information processing and coordinate the bargaining in an effective way. From this perspective, the paper raises a series of questions regarding the...
Sundararajan stressed that this shift is in fact a return to the “natural state” of the economy, as the industrial era and the economy based on large corporations are just a “blink of an eye in human history”. Several influential authors continue to claim this. Moreover, according to ...