even if they don't outright talk about them, and you tend to be outgoing and willing to speak up when it's something you really care about. If you love to connect with new people and build strong relationships, there are many careers that ...
NOBODY has approached life with children who are on the cusp of making their own defining life choices and not looked back at their own formative years and ask "what if?" It isn't a regret. It's just another part of growing as a human being and this movie captures it in a fun ...
However, Gen Z generally has its own formative experiencesdistinct from those of most millennials. Here are some ways American Gen Zersdiffer from their older counterparts: They are generally morepragmatic, with both complicated idealism and worries for the future. Gen Zers dream of personal career...
But underneath, it’s about more than that. How does entering the workforce change the young woman, and how does the family cope with moving to a new place? The answers to these questions are the book’s themes. A story’s theme isn’t the same as its plot. It’s bigger than that...
and higher-stakes summative assessments like year-end exams. Psychometrics is essential for establishing the reliability and validity of higher-stakes exams, and on equating the scores across different years. They are also important for formative assessments, which are moving towards adaptive formats be...
In the coming years, I aim to expand the lessons from that teacher preparation network as I collaborate with colleagues at Clemson who are experts in this problem space, such as folks like Heather Dunham and Lindsey Rowe (e.g., Dunham et al., 2022; Rowe, 2018). “I am driven to use...