Gregor Mendel discovered a special reason why we look the same as other people in our family.It is because of small things named “genes” in our body.In 1953,James Watson and Francis Crick made another discovery and found out that those small parts are real messages written in the DNA ...
Chronomics complement genomics in Brno. What Johann Gregor Mendel wished, Jarmilka Siegelova accomplished: Broadening system times and transdisciplinary time horizonsHalberg, FCornélissen, GPrikryl, PKatinas, GDusek, JHomolka, PKarpisek, ZSonkowsky, RP...
What is InheritanceMendel, Gregor Johann
What were they thinking ?Mendel, Gregor
What Genes Do * Background Information : InstructionsMendel, Gregor