convergent validity, and discriminant validity. In Table5, the CR and Cronbach’sαcoefficients of each item were above 0.85, indicating good construct reliability (Nunnelly,1975). Meanwhile, the AVE of each construct was above 0.5, and the loadings of each construct and its item...
Do you have an urge to go back to Ghana 1941 and sneer at them for defiling their culture with swing music? See how silly this all is? Highlife was never anything but a hybrid, one piece of dialogue in the eternal conversation of culture. I may be out on a limb here but I’d ...
It may be that systems thinking has been so influential because most of the problems surfacing in community contexts are characterized by complexity, multiple perspectives and power relationships, and many systems approaches come into their own in these contexts (Jackson, 1988). However, it could ...
In general, two types of HTMT approaches are used to evaluate the discriminant validity. First of all, while using it as a decisive factor, if HTMT value is higher than 0.85, it is considered that problems exist with discriminant validity. Secondly, while using a statistical experiment for ...
human rights violations. Previous studies have revealed the lack of ethical benchmarks in foreign large-scale land transactions that raise moral concerns. It is evident that when resources are scarce and people depend on them, the balance between values and interests transforms itself into a dilemma...