decisions.OnegroupofpeoplehadreachedDeathValleybyDecember. Theyavoidedtheterribleheatofsummer,buttherewasnotenough water.Therewerefewplantsfortheirworkanimalstoeat.Thepeople couldnotfindapassthroughthetallmountainstothewestofthevalley. 13Theyhadtokilltheirworkanimalsforfoodandbegantowalkout ofthevalley. - 14 ...
Hainan is also open to the sea.The temperature is the highest during the months of July and August. In summer the temperature is from 25℃ to 32℃. But sometimes it can reach 36℃. __68__ coldest months in Hainan are from December to February. There __69__ a lot of rain in Hain...