what's your favorite subject英语课件 Unit12 Myfavoritesubjectisscience.DazuHaitangMiddleSchoolBimbinZhou Doyoulikemovies?Doyouliketoseeamovie?Ok,let’sseeamovie.•Whatkindofmovieisthis?Isitadocumentary?(athriller?acomedy?anactionmovie?)Whatkindofmovieisyourfavorite?Whichkindofmoviesdoyoulikebest...
I'm due for a trip to my favorite Indian spice store to stock up but if they don't carry them, is there a mail order source you'd recommend? TIA - SF PS very nice photos of the process of stove-top baking on your site Elizabeth, those are great photos of pita and naan in proc...
Critical thinking.You might ask students: Why do people celebrate holidays? What symbols are part of the holidays you celebrate? What can you share about your ethnic or cultural heritage? How might knowledge of, and appreciation for, the past affect the future? Puzzles.Try aKwanzaa word search...