They put ads in newspapers saying, I will offer $800, or $1,000, sometimes $1,500—a lot of money in those days—if you will go fight in the Civil War instead of me. Andrew Carnegie, to take one notable example, hired a substitute to take his place to fight in the Civil War....
年 12 月甲企业向税务机关应缴纳增值税 30 万元,实际缴纳 20 万元;向税务机关应缴纳消费税 28 万元,实际缴纳 12 万元。已知教育费附加征收比率为 3%。计算甲企业当月应当缴纳教育费附加的下列算式中,正确的是( )。
Unit 7 What supper food? 晚饭吃什么? Part 1 课文音频 Part 2 动画配音 该视频因违规已下架 Part 3 课文内容 Here you are, Mum! 给你,妈妈! The boxes! 箱子! What are these? 这些是什么? They re dishes. 这些是盘子。 An...